Walter Hoerman Image

Walter Hoerman, MD FAAP

Pediatrician at Lilac City Pediatrics, part of Greater Seacoast Community Health, Full Stack Web Development student & future developer, Reformed Poltician who still gets involved in the game

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A pediatrician in Rochester for over three decades,Walter Hoerman MD formed Lilac City Pediatrics, a small group private practice, in 1996. In 2018, LCP merged with Greater Seacoast Community Health to become a non-profit FQHC.



Involved in politics for over 30 years, even serving as Mayor of Rochester, NH 2000-2002. He has been chair of the Rochester Democratic Committee and served on several candidate steering committees, both local and national levels.


Web Developer

In 2020, Walter Hoerman embarked on developing a new career, after 3 decades as a doctor. Always having an interest in computers, the Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp at UNH was the perfect place to start.