What and Where is North Mill Pond?

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North Mill Pond is in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, in New England, one hour north of Boston.

Map of the NorthEast
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North Mill Pond is connected to the Piscataqua River, just a short distance from the Atlantic. A very active tidal river system allows the North Mill Pond to almost completely empty every tide cycle.

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NMP Aerial
North Mill Pond

North Mill Pond is a 46 acre, shallow, urban, tidal pond located right in the heart of northern Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

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North Mill Pond receives freshwater inflow primarily from Hodgson Brook, which enters the pond from the southwest by passing under a bridge over Bartlett Street, and from storm drains and surface runoff along both northwest and southeast shores. The North Mill Pond also receives a substantial tidal flow during flood tides that enter the pond from the northeast under the bridge at Maplewood Avenue.